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Aigas Community Forest

A productive, working forest providing measurable social, economic and environmental benefits for local residents and visitors alike

News about Aigas Forest and events in the surrounding area News about Aigas Forest and events in the surrounding area News about Aigas Forest and events in the surrounding area

Aigas Community Forest is now recruiting a new Forest Manger. Look in the documents page under forest manager for job  details

Join the Mailing List

01 January 2021

We've set up an Aigas Forest maiing list to keep you 'in the loop'. Please click here to add your details. All welcome; GDPR compliant, of course!
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Aigas Community Forest is Highly Commended

28 June 2017

We are absolutely delighted to have received the Highly Commended Award in the Large Community Woodland category of Scotland's Finest Woods Awards at the 2017 Highland Show. It is heartening to know that the work put in by the community to date has been recognised at a national level.
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FSC Certification

09 March 2017

Today, 9th March 2017, we heard that Aigas Community Forest had achieved FSC certification. This represents our commitment to responsible Forest Management and the acievement of certain standars. It also allows us access to certified timber markets, and a better price for our timber.  
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Ancient Woodlands at Aigas recognised by The Woodland Trust

11 September 2015

Here at Aigas Community Forest we have been working with The Woodland Trust and their partners to review the ancient woodlands at Aigas.  This has resulted in a comprehensive report including recommendations we can consider for our Long Term Forest Plan and also some great coverage in the Summe...
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Grant Secured from SSE

14 May 2014

The SSE Highland Sustainable Development Fund has provided a £20,000 grant towards the purchase and development of Aigas Forest.  This provides us with all the match finding required to complete purchase of 50ha of the forest and to employ a part-time Development Officer for 2 y...
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Grant Secured from The Highland Council

17 February 2014

The Aird and Loch Ness Ward Discretionary Fund has provided a £3,000 grant towards the purchase and development of Aigas Forest.  Our thanks to Cllr Margaret Davidson and her colleagues in the Ward for their support.
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Aigas Community Forest, c/o North View, Crask of Aigas, Beauly, Inverness-shire Scotland IV4 7AD

This website was part-financed by the Scottish Government, the European Community Highland LEADER 2007 - 2013 Programme and The Highland Council.
Aigas Community Forest is a registered Scottish charity, No: SC041614
European Commission LEADER fund
The Highland Council
The Scottish Government
The European Agriculture fund for Rural Development. Europe investing in rural areas.