The Story So Far
- The Forestry Commission advised Kilmorack Community Council that it would be putting Aigas Forest on the market.
- Scottish Law requires that such sales are offered to the community first.
- A meeting took place at Kilmorack Hall to discuss the situation on 25th March 2009.
- After a 100% vote in favour, volunteers were sought to form a steering group.
- The steering group has pursued the path to acquire the Forest for the community if financially viable.
- Funds were sourced from HIE and The Highland Council to finance the production of a feasibility study and a 5 year business plan from consultants Bell Ingram in order to move the project forward.
- The initial confirmation of interest was lodged with the Forestry Commission on 19th May 2009.
- Community Consultation hosted by Bell Ingram took place at Kilmorack Hall on 29th June 2009, plus community postal survey.
- Feasibility Study was presented to Public Meeting at Kilmorack Hall on 17th August 2009.
- A Forest Walk took place on Sunday 23rd August 2009 where approx fifty members of the community took part.
- The community ballot was taken and the result showed outstanding support for the acquisition.
- The application to purchase under the National Forest Land Scheme was delivered to the Forestry Commission on 8th September 2009.
- The District Valuer (DV), accompanied by two members of the Steering Group and Cripian Cook of Bell Ingram, visited the Forest on 16th September 2009.
- Forestry Commission Scotland approved the Option to Purchase on 17th December 2009.
- The DV provided a value for the forest of £690,000. This is the purchase price for Aigas Community Forest.
- The Aigas Community Forest company was formed on 9th February 2010.
- Aigas Community Forest gained Charitable Status on 30th June 2010 as a Registered Scottish charity, No: SC041614.
- Further funding was sourced from LEADER and The Highland Council to create this website and undertake a range of development and fundraising activities.
- Sir John Lister-Kaye and Professor James Hunter recruited as Forest Champions in July 2010.
- In May 2011, NFLS granted an 18-month extension to allow Aigas Community Forest to fully investigate the potential to lease the Forest rather than purchase it outright.
- In May 2012, with the impending relaunch of the Scottish Land Fund, FCS agreed to Aigas Community Forest pursuing purchase and lease options in parallel.
- In February 2014, after nearly 5 years, we received notification of a grant from the Scottish Land Fund to purchase 49.15ha of Aigas Forest.
- In September 2014, with changes to funding guidelines, we submitted a second application to the Scottish Land Fund to secure £513,000 which would allow community to buy the entire forest instead of leasing a section.
- In November 2014, we heard this applicaon was approved and also that The Aigas Trust would provide a further £50,000 ensuring all necessary purchase funding was in place.
- On 5th March 2015 we finally took ownership of Aigas Forest.
- In October 2016, our new Forest Design Plan was approved.
- In February 2017, we undertook our first felling under the new plan.
- Since then, a forest office has been acquired and new workshops and equipment sheds built by our volunteers.
- We have planted over 4000 young mostly broadleave trees and a small orchard of local apples at the workshop area plus a small nursery.
- We have attained FCS status.
- We have acquired a forest tractor with crane, timber trailers, six seat CFMoto UForce 1000XL UTV and a Lovol 50hp tractor with front loader plus assorted trailers, flail mowers and timber grapples.
- Felling under our forest plan is well advanced and fencing of the whole forest as a deer management plan is nearing completion.
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