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Aigas Community Forest

A productive, working forest providing measurable social, economic and environmental benefits for local residents and visitors alike

Forest Manager Forest Manager Forest Manager

Forest Manager

Our temporary Forest Manager is Neil Valentine. Neil has a lifetine of experience in forestry and was a lecturer at the Scottish Forestry School for many years. He has been a Director of ACF for some time. Since Helge left for career advancement Neil has been filling the gap, supporting our volunteers and trainees. He has for some years been in charge of training on chainsaws and forestry. However his appointment as forest manger was always only a temporary fix and we are now appointed a new forest manager and look forward for him joining us shortly. Neil can then revert to perhaps a more advisory role.

Neil can be contacted in email: forestmanager@aigasforest.org.uk


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Aigas Community Forest, c/o North View, Crask of Aigas, Beauly, Inverness-shire Scotland IV4 7AD

This website was part-financed by the Scottish Government, the European Community Highland LEADER 2007 - 2013 Programme and The Highland Council.
Aigas Community Forest is a registered Scottish charity, No: SC041614
European Commission LEADER fund
The Highland Council
The Scottish Government
The European Agriculture fund for Rural Development. Europe investing in rural areas.