About Us
We started our endeavours of bringing Aigas Forest under community control in March of 2009, following notification from Forestry Commission Scotland that they had declared the forest surplus and would be selling it. A potted history of what happened next can be found on the next tab down: The Story So Far.
The Forest is a registered Scottish charity, run by a board of directors.
Our current directors are:
- David Garvie (Chair)
- John Graham (Treasurer)
- Fin Denerley
- Julia Young (Vice Chair)
- Mark Hedderwick
- Russell Ross
- Philip Masheter
- Stephen Cotterill
- Graeme Scott
- Neil Valentine
- Robert Bull
Secretary: Nataša Kenda
Company Secretary: Andrew Leaver
Help Aigas Community Forest
Make a donation to Aigas Community Forest securely on-line at Just Giving.

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