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Aigas Community Forest

A productive, working forest providing measurable social, economic and environmental benefits for local residents and visitors alike

News about Aigas Forest and events in the surrounding area News about Aigas Forest and events in the surrounding area News about Aigas Forest and events in the surrounding area

10th Anniversary Events

26 February 2025

This year is going to be very special for Aigas Community Forest as we celebrate our 10th Anniversary on 5th March 2025. You can read The Story So Far to see how the Forest became community owned and run and how it’s evolved since. Regular events will be held in the Forest throughout the year so keep an eye for the updates or sign up to receive them by submitting this form.

We are delighted to announce our spring events:
- Saturday 8th March: Heritage walk & talk with Roland Spencer Jones
- Saturday 5th April: Whittling workshop with Wooden Tom
- Saturday 17th May: Pond Dipping Family Day with Naturedays at Aigas

Spaces are limited and booking is essential via Nataša at secretary@aigasforest.org.uk.
The event is free of charge, donations welcome through JustGiving.

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Aigas Community Forest, c/o North View, Crask of Aigas, Beauly, Inverness-shire Scotland IV4 7AD

This website was part-financed by the Scottish Government, the European Community Highland LEADER 2007 - 2013 Programme and The Highland Council.
Aigas Community Forest is a registered Scottish charity, No: SC041614
European Commission LEADER fund
The Highland Council
The Scottish Government
The European Agriculture fund for Rural Development. Europe investing in rural areas.