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Aigas Community Forest

A productive, working forest providing measurable social, economic and environmental benefits for local residents and visitors alike

Paths and Access Paths and Access Paths and Access

Paths and Access

We have now created a map showing all our waymarked walks in Aigas Forest. You can download the map here.  You'll find four paths of differing difficulties and lengths providing opportunity to explore and enjoy the woodland. The forest is open all year but there are times when access may be limited due either to high winds, ice, heavy snow fall or stalking activity which is part of our deer management program. That will be posted on our facebook page, signage at the forest gate or in the information bothy. Forest management(tree felling) takes place at times and we ask you to follow the instructions of our foresters. Wind blown trees must be removed for your safety and paths cleared. Keep clear of operating machines at all times as safety of all users of the forest is paramount. Torr a'Bhealaidh area is still under control of our forestry contractors and some ground is yet to be stabilised. There are some landslides on the old OS paths and we would ask that you do not enter this area for now. This is predominately a safety issue.

Remember Forests are natural areas and some paths can be wet and boggy after rain so we recommend that you always wear stout walking boots or even wellies when it has been raining to get the most benefit from exploring all the paths. Some paths can be steep so take care and be aware of any physical limitations. Regular walks will improve fitness and the quiet and tranquilty will help mental wellbeing. Enjoy your forest!

MTB users are asked to give preference to walkers at all times. 

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Aigas Community Forest, c/o North View, Crask of Aigas, Beauly, Inverness-shire Scotland IV4 7AD

This website was part-financed by the Scottish Government, the European Community Highland LEADER 2007 - 2013 Programme and The Highland Council.
Aigas Community Forest is a registered Scottish charity, No: SC041614
European Commission LEADER fund
The Highland Council
The Scottish Government
The European Agriculture fund for Rural Development. Europe investing in rural areas.